* Vilasuso's production company launches soap fan reality series | All My Children on Soap Central

Vilasuso's production company launches soap fan reality series

Posted Wednesday, April 03, 2013 12:38:03 PM
Vilasuso's production company launches soap fan reality series

Have you ever wanted to spend a day with your favorite soap star? If you answered yes, there's a new reality series from All My Children and Guiding Light fave Jordi Vilasuso that will definitely interest you.

All My Children's Jordi Vilasuso (Griffin Castillo) will be part of a new online reality series celebrating the power of soap fans. The show, called Perfect Day, will allow soap fans to spend a day with their favorite soap stars -- and to help make a difference in the process.

Perfect Day will be produced by Paos Revolution, a media company founded by Vilasuso, former All My Children acting coach Jeff "Dock" Dockweiler, and ex-General Hospital acting coach John Homa. The trio discussed the series in a recent appearance on Soap Central's everything soap podcast, Soap Central Live.

The pilot episode of Perfect Day will be set in Atlanta and feature the Emmy-winning Vilasuso. The fan for the pilot episode will be Jane Rosko, sister of Jeff Dockweiler.

"Jane for as long as I can remember has been one of the biggest daytime soap fans there is. She and my mom introduced me to the soaps when they religiously watched all the CBS shows and any of the other network shows they could fit in. It is because of her and my mother that I was so well prepared to work in the world of soap operas," Dock said of the decision to choose Jane for the first episode of Perfect Day. "On a personal note, Jane although maintaining many other goals in life, had her highest sights set on being the best mom she could be. Starting at a very young age she was the babysitter for as many babies as she could get her hands on. She couldn't wait to have kids, and to hear her own child call her mommy. Unfortunately for Jane, her first crack at hearing 'mommy' would have to wait because her first son Ryan struggles with autism. Fortunately for Ryan, he has a super mom. I chose Jane as the first guest on Perfect Day, because this show is created to give a personal thank you to a big fan, and there is nothing more personal to me than Jane getting her dream come true, and the opportunity to spend a perfect day with her favorite daytime soap star, Jordi Vilasuso."

To help make Perfect Day a reality, Paos Revolution has set up an Indiegogo campaign that they hope will raise the $25,000 needed to produce the series. Fans who make donations to the campaign will receive special gifts from Paos Revolution. Jacob's Ladder, a center for Autistic Children in Atlanta, will be receiving 10% of all funds collected, as it will be the featured charity for this first episode.

Production is anticipated to begin in summer 2013.

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